Sambe, an active peacemaker in his new group !

Publié le 14 Août 2014

Sambe, an active peacemaker in his new group !

Over the last few months, nine-year-old Sambe, along with his pal Baati, has been integrated successfully with an existing social group of four chimpanzees. Because the group includes adult males Amigo and Tati, there was a danger of too much conflict during the introduction. But Sambe and Baati breezed into the group, and Sambe is already emerging as an active peacemaker. A few days ago, he intervened in defense of Tati in a minor conflict initiated by Amigo. His support helped end the skirmish quickly. We’re so proud of him!

Cameroon authorities confiscated Sambe from a dealer in 2006 when he was less than a year old. He is pictured as a baby (on right) with Baati in 2007. He has grown up among friends and caregivers at Sanaga-Yong Rescue Center.

Please help others grow up happy at Sanaga-Yong Rescue Center by supporting our current Indiegogo campaign.

Photos courtesy of Karen Bachelder and Agnes Souchal


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