IDA-Africa’s new children’s book

Publié le 8 Juillet 2015

IDA-Africa’s new children’s book

IDA-Africa’s new children’s book, Je Protège les Chimpanzés (I Protect the Chimpanzees), is the story of a young Cameroonian boy, Daniel, who takes action when he finds a baby chimpanzee orphaned and abandoned by a hunter who killed his mother. Young Daniel is aware of the crucial work of Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center and knows he must take the baby there. Through his journey, Daniel discovers his true calling and decides to dedicate his life to the protection of chimpanzees! As part of the education program, 4th and 5th graders of Wall Elementary draw from pages of the educational and heartwarming story.

Written by Diane Toomey & Deborah Meyer, Illustrations by Mary Swift, Content Edited by Dr. Sheri Speede & Agnes Souchal


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